Gratitude: 52 Friendships
Relationships make the world go round. Just as the Earth has a gravitational relationship with the sun and the moon, each of us has a multitude of relationships that have formed who we are. From teachers to parents to colleagues, there are many people who have touched our lives.
In 2020, one of the intentions I set for myself was to practice gratitude more consistently. Rather than quietly contemplate it as part of a morning meditation, I’ve decided to be more proactive and public in my ‘practice’ of being grateful. My inspiration came from a TED Radio Hour podcast ‘Approaching with Kindness’ in which I heard about author AJ Jacobs who went on a journey to thank all the people responsible for his morning coffee.
Touching base (face-to-face) in 2020
I’ve put together a list of 52 relationships for which I’m particularly appreciative. Apart from writing something complimentary about each of these people, I have also committed to speaking with each of them during the course of 2020 - some of whom I haven’t been in touch with for years - to express my gratitude to them, ideally in a face-to-face conversation, or at least, a phone call.
The fact is, social media can make one a lazy friend. It’s too easy to ‘catch up’ with a ‘like’ here and a comment there. But that is not a relationship. And as someone who’s moved back to Canada after 12 years in South Africa, I have seen how social media as developed into such a superficial form of socializing.
While the busyness of life, geography and changes in circumstance have created some distance in these relationships, all 52 of these people are special people to me. They have invested their time, attention and energy in being someone who has supported me or simply been great to be around.
These are the 52 friendships for which I am grateful. Speak to you all…soon!
Tim Adams Dean Bajramovic Dan Baxter Andrew Bennett Dan Benoit Greer Blizzard Kevin Bon Simon Borchert Scott Brownrigg Alan Chumley Chantelle Cole Douglas Cole Nicola Cole Monika Conway-Wight Dave Cotton Amy Cowan Jacques Cronje Julian Diaz Gillian Drewett Paul Durrant Stephen Gardner Pieter Geldenhys Andy Harrison Katie Horton-Murray Brian Lambie Fred Leclezio Madeline Long-Duke Nici Malamoglou Anne-Marie Marais Leanne Mitchell Matt Aspiotis Morley Nicola Nel Fraser Parker Fico Pastor Peter Pound Vuyisa Qabaka Bob Ramsay Lee Rath Stuart Rothgeisser Nic Searle Sean Shannon Eduardo Shimahara Alister Smuts Nicole Sochen Johanna Stamps Clare Thomas Paul Tomes Mike Valiquette Leon Verheem Steve Williams Sevag Yeghoyan