
Stuart Rothgeisser

Stuart and I met in the Tankwa desert in the Karoo region of South Africa at an event called AfrikaBurn, South Africa’s take on the Burning Man Festival. A South African-Canadian like me, Stuart is subdued and cerebral, but also finely attuned to his inner self thanks to his ‘work’ with other men through the Mankind Project.  I’ve had the chance to collaborate with Stuart on a few occasions, supporting the development of his consultancy, Roth, a stakeholder communications training company which focuses on storytelling to achieve, among other things, better employee engagement.  I admire Stuart’s entrepreneurial drive and his attention to authenticity as part of helping organizations realize the power of stories to elicit insights about corporate culture, including the source of many values that are inherent to an organization.  No doubt this comes from Stuart’s education as an anthropologist, but it particularly comes from his ability to listen and to ask good questions.