
Madeline Long-Duke

Not only does this his high-powered corporate communications professional have a double-barrelled name, she’s got double the energy of just about anyone in the room. Tremendously down-to-earth and able to get to the point with a charming manner, she’s a diplomate, door-opener, and a connector of note. A ‘tip of the toque’ to her welcoming me to Bell ExpressVu many years back and for introducing me to BMO (an international Canadian bank that seems to get the importance of maintaining a strong corporate culture) upon my return to Canada in early 2019. While I did not land the job with the bank, as it would happen, at the MasterCard Foundation, I encountered a family member of Madeline’s, Justine Greenland-Duke, who, unsurprisingly, is a similarly clever and kind individual who made navigating the ‘ins and outs’ of the organization much easier.