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Andrew Bennett

The epitome of clean cut and a good guy par excellence, Andrew is an outlier on the scale of nice. A Canadian through-and-through, with a deep knowledge of separatist movements, Andrew is a Doctor of Politics from the University of Edinburgh specializing in wannabe separate states such as Catalan and Quebec.  Andrew is also a devoted Christian and recovering Catholic who zigged rather than zagged by recoiling to Eastern Orthodoxy to become a priest-in-training.  This translated into him being named Canada's first Ambassador for Religious Freedom.  Between the occasional squash game and glass of wine, I came to a deeper sense of manliness from this man of the cloth. Principles, moderation, and rituals matter much to Andrew, and I appreciate the beauty of these things from his example.  Thanks to Andrew, I was also introduced to a wide range of music, including such exotic instruments as the Kora of West Africa (the most phallic stringed instrument in the world) and the Armenian Duduk (a haunting instrument that reminds me, strangely, of the Loon, a North American waterbird).